In this hotel, you will find all the facilities you would need for your stay including a healthy and complete housekeeping plan. In addition, the service at this place is fantastic. Both of these features are quite significant, as you will be able to watch your favorite show or play your favorite game while you are enjoying your meal. The other two features that this casino restaurant has been a satellite TV system and a safe room. This is one of the main reasons why the Five Diamond Award was awarded to this place.
Among these features is the fact that the staff at the hotel is truly professional and friendly. This hotel also boasts of having numerous other lovely features which make it stand out from the rest of the wonderful casino restaurants in the state. The hotel is nestled on the banks of the Three Rivers River which makes this hotel quite close to the place where the famous golden gates bridge begins its journey into Oregon.
Three Rivers Casino Buffet Florence Oregon is considered to be one of the best casino restaurants in the state. Three Rivers Casino Buffet Florence Oregon Review